1950s Jazz Play-Along

Preis: 21,99 €

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Art.-Nr.: 0047367

EAN: 9781540026378

1950s Jazz Play-Along (+Online Audio) for C instruments, Bb instruments, Eb instruments and BC instruments parts
Real Book Multi-Tracks vol.12
Today's best way to practice jazz! Accurate, easy-to-read lead sheets and
professional, customizable audio tracks accessed online for 10 songs. The
interactive, online audio interface includes: tempo control: looping: buttons
to turn each instrument on or off: lead sheet with follow-along marker: and
melody performed by a saxophone or trumpet on the head in and head out. The
full stereo tracks can also be downloaded and played off-line.
Con Alma
Night Train
Killer Joe
Lullaby Of Birdland
Waltz For Debby
In Your Own Sweet Way
Verlag:Hal Leonard

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