Oh Happy Day! Gospels, Spirituals

Preis: 17,90 €

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Versandfertig innerhalb von 4-10 Tagen.

Art.-Nr.: 0015437

EAN: 9990051563429

Oh happy Day vol.1 (+2 CD's) für 1-2 Klarinetten in B
Gospels, Spirituals und Folksongs
Playalong-CD mit Band, Chor und Sinfonierorchester
Tom Dooley
Old McDonald had a Farm
This old Man
Polly wolly Doodle
O when the Saints
O Susanna
Michael row the Boat ashore
Camptown Races
Kum ba yah
Home on the Range
I've been working on the Railroad
Rock my Soul
Swanee River
John Brown's Body
My Lord what a Morning
The Ash Grove
Was born about ten thousand Years ago
This World is not my home
Swing low
Old black Joe
These Bones are gonna rise again
Skip to my Lou
He's got the whole World
Oh happy Day
Verlag:Raisch Musikverlag

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